Ndingazikhethela njani eyona sanitizer yesandla?

Kubalulekile ukukhetha isicoci sesandla esihambelana nawe kwaye sikubeka kwimeko entle. Don't be deceived by the price or packaging; ivumba lixhomekeke ngokupheleleyo.
Ibhotile yePump yeLotion yokuhlamba izandla (2)
  • Know your skin type and choose moisturising hand sanitisers for dry skin, non-greasy hand sanitisers for oily skin, and fragrance-free, low irritation hand sanitisers for sensitive skin.
  • Concentrate on the cleansing chemicals in hand sanitizersSelect soap ingredients with strong cleansing properties, such as vegetable saponins and sodium fatty acids. Avoid using strong synthetic detergents.
Ibhotile yePump yeLotion yokuhlamba izandla 1

  • Check the product’s pHhand sanitizers with a pH close to neutral are gentler on the skin. Typically, a range of 5.5-7 is desirable.
  • Choose hand sanitizers that contain hand care chemicals such as alanine, glycolic acid, sodium pantothenate, and others that can assist to moisturize the skin while cleansing.
Ibhotile yePump yeLotion yokuhlamba izandla 1

  • To avoid contact allergies that might cause skin irritation on the hands, choose fragrance-free or naturally flavored hand sanitizers.
  • Avoid using antibacterial or antiseptic hand sanitizers for an extended period of time since they can be quite irritating to the skin. Use only when absolutely necessary.
  • Reasonable pricesBoth high and cheap prices do not always indicate a good product.
  • Choose a high-volume, reputable brand to ensure quality and safety.
Ibhotile yePump yeLotion yokuhlamba izandla 2

Kuko konke, Kubalulekile ukukhetha isicoci sesandla esihambelana nawe kwaye sikubeka kwimeko entle. Musa ukukhohliswa ngexabiso okanye ukupakishwa; ivumba lixhomekeke ngokupheleleyo.


Izithuba ezininzi

Iplastiki yeplastiki (2)

Ngaba i-CAPS yeplastiki yegorha elingangxwabanga lemveliso?

Iicaphu zeplastiki zinokuba zezona zinto zingaqhelekanga kodwa ezinobuchule kodwa ezibalulekileyo phakathi kwezinto ezininzi esizithengileyo kwaye ziyisebenzisa yonke imihla. Bazigcinile ngokuthe cwaka iibhotile, Ukwenza imisebenzi emininzi njengokhuseleko lwemveliso, lula ukusetyenziswa, Ukurisayikilisha ngokusingqongileyo. Namhlanje, Makhe sijonge ezi caphu ezincinci zeplastiki kunye nendlela abadlala ngayo icandelo elibalulekileyo kwipakethi yemveliso.

Fumana iQuote eKhawulezayo

Siza kuphendula ngaphakathi 12 iiyure, nceda unikele ingqalelo kwi-imeyile enesimamva "@song-mile.com".

Kwakhona, ungaya kwi Iphepha loQhagamshelwano, enika ifom eneenkcukacha ngakumbi, ukuba unemibuzo emininzi yeemveliso okanye ungathanda ukufumana isisombululo sokupakisha uthethathethwano ngaso.

Ukhuseleko lwedatha

Ukuze uthobele imithetho yokhuseleko lwedatha, sikucela ukuba ujonge amanqaku aphambili kwi-popup. Ukuqhubeka nokusebenzisa iwebhusayithi yethu, kufuneka ucofe 'Yamkela & Vala'. Unokufunda ngakumbi malunga nepolisi yethu yabucala. Sibhala isivumelwano sakho kwaye ungaphuma ngokuya kwipolisi yethu yabucala kwaye ucofe kwiwijethi.