Ningbo Songmile Packaging expondrá ti' le 134ª cha'ano' u Cantón (Fase III)

Estandarte del Pabellón Songmile
Ningbo Songmile Embalaje Co., Ltd. Ku estrenará ti' le sala cha'ano'ob le 31 u octubre

Ts'aiko'on le k'iinil

Ten thousand traders congregate in Guangzhou each autumn. The 134th Canton Fair, also known asChina’s No.1 Fair,” will open on October 15th in Guangzhou. On October 31st, Ningbo Songmile Embalaje Co., Ltd. will make its debut in the exhibition hall.

Pavilion Information

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of China-Europe comprehensive strategic relationship, and the Canton Fair will be completely restarted offline, with a large number of overseas businesses attending. Ningbo Songmile Embalaje Co., Ltd. was founded about ten years ago and has participated in numerous domestic and international events, including Bologna Cosmoprof, Beautyworld, Guangzhou Rubber & Plastic Fair, Shanghai Beauty Expo, Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Beauty Supply Chain Show, and others. This year is the first time to debut in Canton Fair, when we will bring the most advantageous products, equipment, projects, etc., the site also has exquisite gifts, welcome your arrival!

Exhibition Booth: Zone B 9.1C17-18

Exhibition Date: 2023.10.31-11.4

Exhibition Address: China Import and Export Fair Complex

Ningbo Songmile Packaging Pavilion Location

Below is the time and location of the 134th Autumn Canton Fair phases for reference:

Phase I: 15-19 Octubre 2023

Second Phase: 23-27 Octubre 2023

Fase III: 31 Octubre – 4 Noviembre 2023

Venue: China Import and Export Fair Complex (No.382 Yuejiangzhong Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou)

The year’s most romantic line: Can we meet towards the end of October?

If we are unable to travel to Guangzhou, we can reschedule in Hong Kong!

Songmile Packaging will make a beautiful presentation at the Hong KongAsia Pacific Beauty Supply Chain Show; keep tuned for more information!

Booth: #5-D08

Date: 2023.11.14-11.16

Dirección: Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo (Airport Pavilion )

Asab utia'al a xíimbaltik

Ja'aba' túumben Chino

Aviso tu xooko'ob: Cha'anil le yáax k'iino' 2025 Horario

K gustaría expresar k asab sincero Nib óolil tuméen u Jets' óol yéetel áantaj ti' le ja'ab máano'. Ti' leti'ob j-ts'íiboltaj jump'éel próspero yéetel ki'imak ja'aba' túumben, ka k pa'atik táanil k exitosa asociación ti' 2025!

Empaque u Songmile ki'imak k'aaba' (11)

Lajun ja'abo'ob brillantez: Juntúul celebración gratitud yéetel tuméen

Yaan u líik'il u le telón u gala le 10 ° aniversario u Songmile, Le cha'ano' desarrolló yéetel le equilibrio perfecto u óolil, gratitud, ka kaajal. U káajal histórico bin asab u jump'éel celebración logros; Xan bin jump'éel sincero homenaje le máako'obo' tu beetajo'ob u le náachil ka' taalaken jach memorable.

Táak wáaj a impulsar a negocio.?

Escríbenos jump'éel internet ichil ka mantente ti' máax ku

T'aano'ob Post-BG

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Responderemos ichil 12 horas, Much preste óolal ti' le correo electrónico yéetel le sufijo "".

Beey xan, Je'el u páajtal a bin le Linki abas kaambal ti' máax ku, ku proporciona jump'éel formulario asab detallado, Wa yaan u asab consultas yóok'ol yik'áalil wa k'áato' kéen p'áatak jump'éel solución embalaje negociada.

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