SR-PCM-01 Plastic Cap Assembly Machine

  • Accurate positioning, timely selection of defective products
  • All infrared scanning for more accurate positioning
  • There is a product legacy detection process to better identify problems and shorten operation time
  • When the machine is short of material, the light will flash and the fault location will be displayed
  • Touch screen, simple operation


Product Model


Delivery Date

90 日

Production Capacities

60-66 pcs/min




Standard 220v, Customizable

Plastic Cap Assembly Machine 2
Plastic Cap Assembly Machine 2
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第一, the lids to be tableted are dumped into the feed chute of the tablet press. Under the action of the elevator, the lids are transported upward along the predetermined track and smoothly arrive at the sorting area. In the sorting area, the lids are arranged in an orderly manner and then enter the conveyor belt one by one.

As the lids move forward on the conveyor belt, the machine starts the automatic detection program. Once the product with the lid facing down is identified, it is immediately rejected to ensure the consistency of the product.

After screening, the neatly arranged lids continue to move forward on the conveyor belt until they reach the bottom of the gasket slot. At this time, the tableting device operates accurately and presses the gasket into the lid. The products that have completed the tableting process are then transported to the finished product box via the conveyor belt, where they are packaged.

The entire production process is equipped with an infrared detection system that can monitor product quality in real time. Once defective products are detected, they will be automatically diverted to the defective box, effectively ensuring the quality of the finished product


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係, 樣品係免費嘅. 但速遞使費喺買方嘅賬戶上.
運輸方式: 特快專遞, 斷續器, 聯邦快遞, 唔間斷電源, 三硝基甲苯, 中國郵政, 等.

係. 我哋係貿易和製造公司, 我哋可以自己出口貨物.


貿易術語: 離岸價 &到岸價 ,C&F等. 付款期限 : 電匯 , 30% 作為存款, 70% 發貨前。 成品同包裝檢驗.

真誠地, 取決於訂單數量和您落訂嘅季节. 通常, 交貨將在周圍 30-35 日.




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