觸發式噴霧器的設計非常簡單,僅依靠幾個元件即可實現通過瓶子噴灑液體的目標. 用幾根手指拉動扳機桿時, 一個小泵被激活. 泵通過塑料管從瓶子的儲液罐中抽出液體. 液體被迫通過一個狹窄的桶並從一個小孔中流出到一個噴霧閥.
When the trigger is pulled, a small spring in the shroud compresses the fluid. The piston compresses the spring during trigger firing, and when it is released, it is pushed back out of the gasket. As the piston moves back and forth, it pushes the cylinder out, contributing to the pump cycle.
As a result of this extraction motion, the cylinder shrinks, forcing the fluid out in a one-way flow. The motion allows the process to continue without interruption as soon as the trigger is released. Design variations vary from pump to pump and delivery system to delivery system.